OBBG is the patient support group, a registered charity, that aims to support the women with new diagnosis of breast cancer or DCIS. Miss Roy is a trustee of this charity. The members of the group meet once every month at The Manor Hospital and organises regular specialists’ talks which help providing support with survivorship (Living beyond Cancer) and offers educational element. This group offer excellent opportunities for social, fun and fund-raising events.
The group was established in 2015 and the membership is increasing, steadily offering women in Oxfordshire (and from outside), the crucial support during the difficult and completely unexpected event in their life.
Please check their website: www.oxfordbreastbuddygroup.co.uk
The meeting organiser could be contacted by email: obbg@oxfordbreastbuddygroup.co.uk
*Charity number: 1166891
OBBG Flyer (966 KB)